Tommy Finds America

n 1988, Country Music Star,Moe Bandy released a song entitled, “Americana”.
The ballad tells the story of a trucker who takes a detour from the super highways through the back roads of small town America.

He is overjoyed to find a place that safeguards simple, and traditional values. A place where old men play checkers and kids play hopscotch. Old Glory waves above the statue of a soldier and “…so many reasons why I love this country…”

I searched for such a place during my professional driving career. I have been all over 47 of these United States; failing to visit only Alaska, Hawaii, & strangely, Vermont. Today I found a town like the one in that song – Ely,NV (pronounced EE-LEE).

Ely is at the eastern trailhead of The Lonliest Road, the direct route to the state capital, Carson City.

The streets are well-maintained and litter-free. The drug store is family-owned and not part of a national chain. It even has a lunch counter with a soda fountain.

There is a small park in the center of town. Today (Sunday) it was host to an Arts & Crafts Festival.

The people are warm and inviting. I spoke with a young man named Reece, who was operating the family Ice Cream truck as a booth at the fair. He spoke with pride about his town and informed me that next weekend there would be a car show at the park – always something happening. Upon saying farewell after our brief encounter, I turned to continue my round, he reached out to stop my breach of decorum and protocol. We hadn’t exchanged names or shaken hands.

Even the rebellious, punk teenagers of the community were well-mannered and courteous to their elders (me), and had respectable haircuts.

After touring this town I was left feeling the same way Moe Bandy does…America is still safe and sound.

With a population of 4,042, Ely is a throwback. One of the last of a dying breed. A small and WHOLESOME community. But, with four gambling halls, legalized prostitution, and 24-hr liquor sales. So, it’s even better than I ever hoped to find. I mean, I’m not a fanatic, after all.

Mission Accomplished!

edit: link to the song. Don’t be a pinko – give it a listen.